A Thanksgiving Special: Gratitude and Turkey Butts with Denver Riley

Andrea: Welcome to those who can't do, I'm your host, Andrea Forcum, and today we have a returning guest co host, Denver Riley, um, just real quick, right off the top, why do you look amazing? So amazing. Looks 

Denver: so good. Um, it, today is. Spirit day. It's spirit week. Homecoming is this weekend. Uh, and today's theme was Jersey day.

Andrea: You're not 

Denver: wrong. I'm not wrong. Um, and I played the theme song to Jersey shore as the kids came in today and they were like, Oh, I get it. I'm like, 

Andrea: Did they? No. They actually know about Oh. I said, 

Denver: really? Explain it. Um, some of them actually did. I was so surprised that some of them were, oh, you're Snooki. I get it.

Like, their parents raised them, right, is all I'm gonna say. Oh, gosh. 

Andrea: Yeah. I, okay. So what era did that run from? Jersey Shore. 

Denver: It's definitely early 2000s. Yeah, maybe 2010s because I was like middle school, maybe finishing elementary school where it was, I, we wanted to dress exactly like what the, the pink, everything, like the brand pink, the layered tank tops, the headbands, the poof, like, I'm pretty sure that was 

Andrea: A lot of leopard print happening.

Denver: Oh, my entire room was like teal, zebra print, and pops of pink. 

Andrea: That was it. Oh my gosh. That is amazing. Okay, so who are the, like, because I need to admit something, um, they're, one of the Jersey Shore girls follows me on TikTok. And we've DM'd a little bit. Um, and I wanted her to come on the podcast. I was like, I'm such a fan.

I have never actually watched an episode. She's going to see this and she's going to say, Oh, I thought you were a fan. No, because she said yes. And then she has, it wasn't Snooki. I know it's Snooki, but

Denver: It was so nice talking to you guys today, but I'm gonna have to pack up my things, I'm gonna have to go. I'm just grabbing anything I can find and I'm out of here. Here's, 

Andrea: here's the thing, I have seen enough clips that I feel like I've got the vibes of Jersey Shore. Like, I Have you though? If, indeed, it was early 2000s, I got married in 2008, girl.

Oh, right. Well, what is a married grown woman gonna watch? Yeah. Okay. That was unnecessary. I'm sorry. I thought we were 

Denver: playing math 

Andrea: games. No. Okay. Do we 

Denver: want to play math games? No. No, no, no, no, no. I opt out of that. We absolutely, 

Andrea: yeah, absolutely not. JWoww, if you're listening, I am a big fan. 

Denver: JWoww, she's a, she, I was cursed on your podcast, this is a family show.

She is a. It's not, but that's okay. She, if she. No, I'm speechless. JWoww is watching. I'm a big fan. And when I was eight, all I wanted to do was be you. 

Andrea: How does it feel that she now, she has like a child who is? Like, old enough to make fun of her, which I think is amazing, and she handles it so well. 

Denver: So well, and she looks just like a mini her, like she is a baby Jenny, um, that's what we call her, because we're super close, so I call her Jenny, you can call her JWOWW.


Andrea: from Jenny from the block, that's like a different 

Denver: No, we don't speak of Jenny from the block, even though that song is really good. It's great. We don't speak Greek. It's iconic, 

Andrea: yeah. Okay, great. Um, yeah, I mean, I will say I am a fan of her con her, her as an adult. Yes. Like, I follow her back and watch her videos because I think she's funny, but I just have never actually watched her 

Denver: before.

She was just the, um Most, they're all outspoken, I feel like, on that show, but she was the most outspoken and so unapologetic about it, and I admired that so hard of, I'm telling you this because this is how I feel and I don't really care how you feel, and I'm keeping my peace, and I'm like, and she was just that girl, she was so.

The blueprint. I mean, 

Andrea: I love that program. For that girl. Okay. Do you, have you watched the new things that they've done? I've seen clips on her page. 

Denver: My, my, um, parents and I, that was when I was living with my parents, that was one of our shows that we would watch was Jersey Shore family vacations. And that's when my dad got into Jersey Shore and my mom and I.

Try to explain to him. You don't even know. You need to go all the way back because he's obsessed with Mike the situation. That's his favorite. That's his guy. The situation. Yeah. Him and my dad, they would be your father who 

Andrea: is like, isn't he a diesel mechanic? 

Denver: He is. 

Andrea: I love so much the thought of sitting and watching Jersey Shore with a diesel mechanic.

That is Oh, kind of amazing. You 

Denver: know what else he likes to watch. Real Housewives, The Bachelor. We got him on one season of The Bachelor. He eats it up and he gets so into it and will like text, did you see what happened about, you know, he just knows things before it happens. I feel like with the social media realm.

Andrea: So we talked last, we always end up talking about reality TV when you're here. I know we do. 

Denver: Probably 

Andrea: because I'm a reality star. Obviously. Yeah. Um, but we discussed, uh, secret lives of Mormon wives and then also discussed how I had not yet actually really watched, um, Love is Blind. I haven't finished. 

Denver: Love is Blind.


Andrea: Yeah. Love is Blind. Yeah. So there is a clip that we're going to watch that I don't think it spoils anything for anybody. Also, by the time this comes out, it's Thanksgiving day, by the way. Um, so happy Thanksgiving. 

Denver: Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful all the time. 

Andrea: I'm, just like Valentine's Day. I celebrate Valentine's Day every day.

Denver: I give love 24 7. 

Andrea: Obviously. Alright, so we're going to watch this clip. I was cracking up. I do feel like it hints at some of the stuff that we later find out because that stuff has been spoiled for me on social media. 

Denver: I do that all the time for myself. Yeah. 

Andrea: Um, but these are things. That this woman would say if she was on Love is Blind, how she would interview the men that she's I already love this.

TikTok: Are you dating anybody right now? Is anybody dating you? Do you expect a home cook meal every day? What? Oh, okay. I have an exit exam that I need you to give to your last three relationship partners. I need to know what was going on. I got the note from the source straight from the horse's mouth. Potato salad, raisins.

Or no races. If you push the cake in my face at the wedding, the wedding is off. Okay. You in the shower. Do you reach for a washcloth or not? I'm just trying to see something. I, no offense. Are you married to anybody? Is anybody married to you? Gotta be positive. Now, when you say get on top, is that optional?

I'm going to just come right out and ask, do you hate women? Y'all finna kick me off the show, ain't it? I knew it! Listen, um, real quick, I saw some snacks in the green room. Can I get that to You said just go. Okay. 

Andrea: All right. I'm obsessed with her. I love it. I'm immediate follow. First of all, when I came across that video, I'm incredible.


Denver: she, I just have to say no question. She asked, I feel like was a A bad question. 

Andrea: Yeah. All of them. And the fact she had to rephrase, are you like, are you married to anyone? Is 

Denver: anyone married to you? Because let's get that clear. 

Andrea: I do have a question though. Who puts raisins in potato salad? 

Denver: Okay. I was thinking the same thing.

Andrea: I will say my husband's family puts grapes and chicken salad, like chicken. I've seen 

Denver: that. I've seen that. 

Andrea: Yeah. Yeah. Also, don't like it, but raisins? I haven't done 

Denver: much about salads that don't involve lettuce. 

Andrea: Hmm. I'm not familiar with potato Well, come to the Midwest. You will have So, we're going to be talking about an education of all of the salads that have nothing to do with lettuce.

I, one time, when we first met some of my husbands family, uh, we were at like, their like hotel spot and they were like, well your gonna make some ham, what did they say? They said, um, ham salad. You And I'm thinking Caesar wrap, right? 

Denver: Ooh, yes, yes, yes. Like a, like a, 

Andrea: yeah, like a ham salad sandwich. I was like, great.

Denver: Like a chef salad situation. No. Do you 

Andrea: know what it is? Guess what it is. 

Denver: Okay. Ham salad. Well, a lot of these like blank salads are weirdly creamy. Okay, so already I have goosebumps. Creamy ham with like something 

Andrea: chopped, like diced up and you should be careful. Don't yuck someone else's yum. This is a culture.

Oh, I'm so sorry of the area. I have to check my face because this is still served at family events. It sounds great. Uh, it's chopped deli ham with mayo. Mixed together and spread like a, like a tuna salad, but ham. So that exists. 

Denver: Um, also my mom taught me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Andrea: Have you ever listened to that before? Never, 

Denver: ever. Okay, great. I just felt like saying. 

Andrea: The other thing that I wanted to know, she mentioned the washcloth. Are you a washcloth or are you a loofah? 

Denver: Get into this. I'm both. I am a loofah girl. I love a loofah, but I'll change it. Maybe every. I don't want to get, I don't know when you're supposed to change it, but I'll change it.

Andrea: Okay. You'll change what? The loofah? 

Denver: Yeah, of course. Oh, okay. You gotta keep like a fresh new one, just like. 

Andrea: Do you? I don't know. Mine are forever old. Sorry. They, they're self washing. 

Denver: They are self washing, but you know, sometimes they like pull apart and then they're like. Yeah, I'll get them 

Andrea: when they start falling apart.


Denver: Okay. Yeah. Same. But then I get, I use the washcloth for the nooks and crannies if you're catching my drift. Okay. Yeah. 

Andrea: Interesting. Because I don't want it 

Denver: too scrubby in areas that are supposed to be softer. 

Andrea: That's fair. So I'm getting a lot of information about you. All right, great. You're welcome.

You're so welcome. You don't even have to pay for it. Um, okay. So the way that that video went through and described things of like, I feel like she just did a good job identifying things that would like knock someone out of the running for her. 

Denver: Yeah. 

Andrea: Okay, so I have been married since the dawn of time.

You are living the single life. I am single. So I wanted, I wanted us to come up with a list of Five things each that as teachers would immediately be like, no, not interested. 

Denver: And you know what? Only coming up with five was really difficult. 

Andrea: Really? See, I had a hard time coming up with five because I was already married by the time Oh, right.

I became a teacher. And so I haven't actually, like, I was like, hypothetically, what would it be? Oh, I just, hold on. Oh, 

Denver: add it, add it now. I know. I, 

Andrea: I have to add it right now. 

Denver: I just feel like a lot of the ics. My teacher ics are like overlapping human ics where I'm like, that's just a bad, but like I've made it more specific to like, you know, teacher life esque.

Andrea: Okay. Why don't you share your first one? We'll take turns. 

Denver: Okay. Okay. So I've already publicly said this, I think on this platform that I am the worst speller in the world. Okay, but when you're texting me and you use you, ick, 

Andrea: no, you, as in you, instead of Y O U. Correct. Got it. 

Denver: Slash, when you start your sentences and they're automatically lowercased.

No, excuse me. Okay. So let's talk about, no. If you say, I just went to the gym and it's I lowercase. 

Andrea: Yeah. That's insane, babe. Go back to gym. To me, the gym, to me, that's serial killer behavior because don't do that. Don't all phones autocorrect that now did they? You 

Denver: have to set that as a setting. So this man purposely did that.

Andrea: That's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed. That's embarrassing behavior. I'm, 

Denver: yeah. I'm embarrassed for dealing with men that do that. 

Andrea: Yeah, I had one. Yeah, agreed. I had one that was similar to that, that like when someone uses the wrong your, which. It's different. Let's categorize 

Denver: that as the same. 

Andrea: Yeah. Like I, I feel like if you, 

Denver: if 

Andrea: you just typed and it, it just happened, cause I have occasionally I have stories and I don't proofread and I'm just typing real quick and it happens, but obviously I know the difference.

The ick is not knowing the difference of something that is very basic. It's consistently doing it as well, right? We 

Denver: do it and we catch it and we're like, Oh shoot, I'll make sure It's the, you're doing that as like, that's who you are. Yeah. And that's not right. You're the wrong, you're the wrong there. It just, it 

Andrea: gives, we don't listen to English teachers and that would be a problem.

It gives, 

Denver: I'm too cool for grammatical rules. 

Andrea: Right. And 

Denver: none of us are, 

Andrea: none 

Denver: of my, no, 

Andrea: no, not acceptable. Um, when a man says, it must be nice to have summers off, Not because it's not nice, because it is, and 

Denver: I'm 

Andrea: a big fan of that, but there's a tone there that says, like, 

Denver: you don't 

Andrea: deserve to have some, it's like, you misunderstand fundamentally what this job is.

Denver: It's almost like Wow, was it like not working a real job because you, you have summers? It's like, Oh, buddy. 

Andrea: Excuse me? Wrong person Wrong person. That's a great one. All right, what's your next one? 

Denver: Next one is, okay, this is where I feel like it falls under just like human ics. 

Andrea: Okay. 

Denver: When they bully their friends in front of me to like, seem like it's cool.

Like, I don't like the 

bull, like, you know, working with high school, that's just kind of like a social tick almost to be like, I'm uncomfortable so I'm gonna put the pressure on someone else. But don't do that as a grown adult knowing that that's like, that's not cool. Originally it was mean to kids.

'cause like I, yeah, please just don't be mean to kids and like speak rudely to them. Like those are my, don't be mean to children. Don't be mean to children. Only I can. Right. Bully them? No, not really. But yeah, just the whole like, I'm trying to look cool in front of a crowd. Yeah. I don't like that. Juvenile.

Andrea: It's 

Denver: childish. 

Andrea: Yeah. Not for me. My, uh, my second one is any guy that has like a cheerleader or teacher based kink of any kind. I think that is foul behavior. I think it's so gross. I, uh, it bothers, it like actively bothers me because it sexualizes. That's a whole profession and it makes me actively angry when I'm, when I like search up teacher and the first thing that comes up is like not actually a teacher on TikTok.

It's this girl's only fans where she like fetishizes teaching, um, yeah, or a cheerleader kink as well. Just bothers me because like, that's 

Denver: weird. I've never heard the like cheerleader kink. 

Andrea: Well, 

Denver: just like, that's 

Andrea: a whole thing, like, 

I think so, 

it's just like, you know, like, oh, the cheerleader, here, okay, alright, let's really dig down to why I feel this way.

Let's do it. Oh, here we go, we're gonna, it's not my tea, it's not my tea, uh, so, we'll stay vague. Okay, we'll stay vague and we won't clip this . Okay. I'm not trying to ruin people's lives. No, we're not doing that. Uh, there was a girl I went to high school with and she was a cheerleader 

Denver: or I love tea. Mm-Hmm.

Andrea: Very, very popular. Um, and there was a bible teacher that was at the school and he was married, and, um, they spent a lot of time together and he got a divorce. And then within six months of us graduating, and at the time, so he wasn't our Bible teacher. This is not better. I'm saying like, it's better. He was an eighth grade Bible teacher and we were in high school, like, so it was like a year difference.

It wasn't better, but like he was going on like snowboarding trips with them and with him, with like her and her hot friends. Right? And he's a married man. Um, and so we graduated and then within a year of graduating, all those hangout sessions became them dating, um, and they're married and he's a pastor of a church now and, uh, she the part Let's get the 

Denver: ex wife on this podcast, shall we?

I would love to talk to her. Oh, there's 

Andrea: tea with that too, but I, yeah, we don't need to bring her, yeah, um, but the, I used to be Facebook friends with this girl, and she posted a picture of herself in her cheerleading outfit, and, um, Because she still fit in it. And he commented, he commented like just as sexy as the first time I saw you in it.

Denver: Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Should have called timeout like crime. 17 minutes. Crime. That is, you just incriminated yourself, sir. 

Andrea: Yeah. On Al Gore's internet, like posted that for everyone to see. I, I walk yourself to jail. Go ahead and just, honestly, I unfollowed her because I realized that like, even though she and I don't have beef, she wasn't very nice to me in school, like we weren't good friends.

I, I desperately wanted to be her friend because she was so pretty and I wanted her approval so bad and all of that kind of stuff. And, and, yeah. I realized I was literally only Facebook friends with her, like, watching for her to fail, which is not healthy. And I was like, all right, like, I'm like reading through the comments of her and her cheer outfit.

I'm wondering, like, is anyone going to be like, Hey, yeah, remember, remember, like, and so I stopped following her because I was like, this is what she's doing and what they're doing. None of my business. Um, but that's probably where me thinking cheerleader kink is gross. You know what? Uh. 

Denver: That is so, so fair and valid, and disgusting, and I just have so many questions, I have so many, that story was my 

Andrea: ick, so.

You're welcome. Thanks for that. Alright, what's your third ick? 

Denver: My third ick, wow, um, is, okay, this is, I'm just gonna say it. If you sag your pants. You have to go. 

Andrea: You're a child. I'm going to buy, we're Tilly's 

Denver: cause that just seems like your vibe if you're sagging your pants. And I'm going to buy. That is such a brutal, Tilly's 

Andrea: seems like your vibe.

You look like you 

Denver: shop at Tilly's. 

Andrea: Has to be the most emasculating thing a man could possibly hear. Like. I'm 

Denver: using it all the time now. 

Andrea: Please do, just be like, you seem like maybe you, Have I seen you at Tilly's before? You shop at Tilly's? I'm 

Denver: gonna buy you a belt that's like, I'll get it spiked, or like, you know.

But yeah, the studs, um, pull your pants up. 

Andrea: Embarrassing. Also, you sound so old by saying that. So old. 

Denver: You know what? There are parts of me that I feel like I'm, I'm like, I have the older mentality. That is like, like the dressing of like, No, I need you to like But what's a 

Andrea: grown man doing with, like, his pants below his butt?


Denver: Right, maybe it's just the men I'm hanging out with that I need to, like, reevaluate, 

Andrea: but just Wait, are there grown men that you No, no, 

Denver: no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm just saying, like, on this list of ics, like, was I was getting inspiration from, like, past, you 

Andrea: know? Oh, okay. 

Denver: Um, but That makes sense. Pull your pants up.

Andrea: Okay. 

Denver: Yeah. Do you want to hear my next one? Okay, I want to hear your next. I'm scared. Oh, gosh. Can we get it out, ladies and gentlemen? 

Andrea: Okay. Uh, it's if a man

refers to him, refers to himself as Mr. and then his first name.

I think that is very juvenile and honestly embarrassing. What's your take on that, Dunbar? I 

Denver: have no take.

Andrea: Oh. Alright, moving to the next one. Go ahead. What's your next one? 

Denver: Um, my next one is, that, that really got me. Sorry. I have no comment. I truly have no comment. Okay, my next one is, um, when they ask me a question about something I just said. 

Andrea: Oh, yeah. Like, we repeat ourselves enough. 

Denver: Like, not a clarification thing of like, oh, tell me more about that.

It's like a simple thing I literally just told you and you're asking me again, like you were not listening to me. 

Andrea: Hmm. I, I fear that what you're discussing is going to happen regardless because that's just, you know, I'm so sorry. It's a men thing. It's a people thing, I would say, more than anything. 

Denver: Do better.

Andrea: know. I, I am so guilty of this where I am like talking to my husband and it's so bad because we both have ADHD. And so there will be whole conversations that one of us does not remember. I have vivid memories of having conversations about plans or about something we're going to do. And one of us has been an autopilot and responded to like confirm whatever it is.

And then later I'm like, yeah, there's that thing. And he's like, what are you talking about? And I'm like, I'm not crazy. And I'll do the same thing to him. I'll be like, I have, I literally, this is the first time I'm hearing this. And he's like, Andrea, so we need to just record everything. Okay. 

Denver: That's fair. I think it's more so of like, No, okay, that, I completely understand that because I'll kind of do the same thing, but I'm just thinking of, you know, today, the stapler is out of staples, so just go ahead and put both your papers in the tray.

Two seconds later, uh, the stapler's broken. Yeah, babe. I know. Thank you for 

Andrea: that information. I do know that. 

Denver: so much. Thanks. Go ahead and just turn that in. Like, love you, but 

Andrea: Yeah, 

Denver: that's 

Andrea: fair. It is really annoying. Um, okay, my next one is just, I'm so sorry. I really apologize to everyone. Is this another 

Denver: read 

Andrea: for me or no?

Okay, wait, keep going. No, I don't think so. No, this is just a general, like, PE teachers in general, not interested. 

Denver: Right. I am 

Andrea: so sorry. 

Denver: I love the idea of a PE teacher. 

Andrea: Yeah, they're athletic. They're sporty. 

Denver: I'll say it. I had a crush on my 8th grade PE teacher. I said it. I feel like, 

Andrea: yeah, I It was 

Denver: so hot. 

Andrea: One of my first teaching jobs, there was a PE teacher who ended up hooking up with a former student.


Denver: my gosh, it's just all this trauma coming up for you. I know, I'm just like, 

Andrea: this is therapy for me, basically. Wow. All my ics are people who abuse their position. I'm so proud of you. To, like, traumatize children. 

Denver: Yeah, no, okay, then they deserve nothing but the worst. 

Andrea: Yeah, and one of my co workers was, like, freshly divorced and Almost hooked up with him.

And so bullet dodged that, you know, they just kind of seem like F boys, like, I don't know, they 

Denver: just seem like the boys in high school. They're the jocks from in high school when you're like, damn, you're so cute, but you would like ruin me. 

Andrea: It kind of seems like a lot of PE teachers might go by their first name, you know, like go by Mr.

Billy. Or whatever, you know, 

Denver: just like that was an example of one 

Andrea: as an example. Yep. All 

Denver: right.

Okay. Um, my, is this our last one? Yes. Interrupting me. There's a difference between if we're like super passionate about what we're talking about and we're like, Oh my God. Yeah. And you know, overlapping stuff. But if I'm telling you a story and you blatantly interrupt and start like comparing it to something in your life, I'm like, I wasn't done, but you can go ahead now, I guess.

Andrea: Your turn. Right. There's that TikTok. It's like, Oh, your turn. Okay. 

Denver: Yeah. Your turn. What's your 

Andrea: last one? I absolutely hate when people are like, hate. People are like, teachers are heroes. Teachers 


Denver: heroes. You take that hero and shove it where the sun will never shine. 

Andrea: And like, it's always meant with the best 

Denver: of 

Andrea: intent, but it feels like it's 

Denver: like, 

Andrea: It feels like a little patronizing and all of that.

When I started working at the university, they were trying to figure out a good like pro teacher campaign and they were like, yeah, and then we'll end it with like, teachers are heroes. And I was like, no, we're not going to do that. We're not going to do that 

Denver: actually. 

Andrea: Yeah. Or remember your why or any of like apps Absolutely not doing that.

Denver: I just, yeah, it is a little, um, patronizing. It's a little, almost pity. Like, yeah. Oh, you get a 

Andrea: gold star. 

Denver: You're a hero, though. Like, like, leave me alone, B word. 

Andrea: I love how much you're editing yourself like we don't have the ability to bleep. 

Denver: Oh, right. You're probably 

Andrea: making my mom really happy. 

Denver: You're welcome.

I, I'm, it's because I knew she 

Andrea: was watching, so I'm not cursed. She's always watching. She's always watching. Um, okay, so we are going to take a break and then when we come back in the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we're going to take a little Thanksgiving quiz. 

Yes, I love quizzes. All right. We will be right back.

We Are Fine Trailer: Hey everybody. I'm Lauren. I'm Jordan. And we are starting a podcast together. Yay, finally. I know. It's been like in the works for so long and finally we get to share it with you guys. 

We're really excited about this. So it's 

called, we are fine. Are we though? Sometimes, not always. Some days we're doing really good.

Yeah. And some days we're doing real bad, real bad guys. Yeah. And it's okay. But we're gonna talk about it in all this entire podcast is dedicated to all of life's ups and downs and all kinds of teacher related mishaps? 

Like being stuck in a school during an apocalypse and trying to figure out how you're gonna survive?

Yeah, and then also like the really fun moments like building a special relationship with your students. Or even raising a fictitious egg named Eggbert who becomes a mushroom king. 

Um, I'm sure he is toad, not just egg. 

Okay. Okay. What about the teacher stuff? Cause I want to talk about teacher stuff. 

Yeah, there'll be all of that.

We have some amazing teacher guests and we get to dive into their lives as educators. 

So we hope you'll join us on this journey and the we are fine podcast. You can get it every Wednesday on my YouTube channel, Mrs. William fifth or on all audio platforms and everywhere that you get podcasts, we will be there.

I've heard there's a doge moon podcast platform now in space only. 

It'll be there too. So we hope that you'll be there with us and we can't wait to share this journey with you guys. Bye. Bye.

Andrea: Welcome back to those who can't do. All right. So we are going to be doing some Thanksgiving history facts because everyone is obviously spending their Thanksgiving listening to us and not spending time with friends and family. So as a result, we are preparing them and educating them with fun facts. Yes.

About Thanksgiving. 

Denver: Capital. 

Andrea: Capital F facts. Okay, when, like what year was the first Thanksgiving? Right, 

Denver: right, of course. 

Andrea: In, in your brain? Um. 

Denver: Let's just, let's reverse engineer this. Okay, let's reverse engineer this because I know that America became a country in 1776. 

Andrea: Good. Yes. Thank you. Yes. 1776. We know it was before that.

Of course we do. Don't we? 

Denver: Yeah. Of 

Andrea: course we do. The American Revolution, when there were all those people there, definitely was not the same year as the first Thanksgiving where there were not a lot of people there. Yeah. 

Denver: Are they there? Are the Quakers there? The enthusiasm that you just had! Okay,

Andrea: the Native 

Denver: Americans. This is really embarrassing because I am 17 percent Native American and I am disappointing all my ancestors. You are doing 

Andrea: your culture. Wow. Okay. Wow. Uh, it was the Pilgrims. Not the same. We haven't 

Denver: even 

Andrea: gotten to the 

quiz yet. I don't think 

Denver: so. We haven't 

Andrea: gotten to the quiz, this is the setup for the quiz.

Hold on. I actually don't know if Quakers Hold on. You do that while I think about the year. Are Quakers the same as Pilgrims? I don't think 

they are. They are alike. They are not

the same. Okay. Don't embarrass yourself. 

Denver: Okay, um 

Andrea: Okay, hold on. Pilgrims. Pilgrims. They arrived, it was like their first, 

Denver: 14,

16, 16, obviously it's 16, 12, 

Andrea: you're not that far off, 16, 13, 16, 21, you got within 10 years, wow, 

Denver: I could 

Andrea: not have guessed that, at first you got within 200 years, I was just checking 

Denver: that you knew, so that's why I said, When 

Andrea: did Columbus 

Denver: Sail the ocean blue. That's what I was trying to remember. 

Andrea: Something 92.

1592? Or 1492? Sure. Columbus. The Nina. The Pinta. The Santa Maria. 

Denver: Is that right? What is 

Andrea: that? You are making, 1492 is when Columbus did it. 

Denver: So I was thinking 14s because I was thinking Columbus. Right. No, truly. And then what is the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria? 

Andrea: Why are you asking more questions? I was not prepared for that.

I think that. I don't know. 

Denver: I'm just thinking of that, that part in school of rock where he's like trying to like make it sound like he's teaching, but they're really auditioning for battle of the bands and they're all dying of like a rare blood disease or stick it to mandinitis. You know what I'm talking about?

Andrea: No, 

Denver: not at all. And okay. 

Andrea: Okay. But you were right. Um, it was, it was the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. So, crushed it? Is what? Ships?

No, they're the three people. No! I'm screwing with you. 

Denver: I believe in myself. Okay, I thought that was the quiz. No. Okay, are you ready for 

Andrea: the quiz now? No. Okay, great. Um, what common Thanksgiving dish was not served at the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving meal? 

Denver: Do I get multiple choice?

What? Can, Steve, can you repeat the question, please? 

Andrea: What common Thanksgiving dish was not served at the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving meal? Stuffing. I feel like turkey wasn't. I don't know the answer to this, by the way. This is a random quizlet. Oh, I thought you knew this. I don't know. I don't know these. So we're going to reveal at the same time.

I feel like 

Denver: turkey would be essential. Gravy? No, 

Andrea: for some reason I thought mashed potatoes. I want more information, but it literally is just a question answer. So we have no. Okay, 

Denver: so all the historians shaking their heads at us watching this because there's so many. They're gone. 

Andrea: They 

Denver: have not made it this far.

Once we said 14, once I said 1776, they were like goodbye. My 

Andrea: husband would be so upset with me that I was like not even remembering which ships came with Columbus. Tell him to skip this segment. He doesn't listen. Don't worry. 

Denver: No. That's not supportive. No, I'm just kidding. He gets 

Andrea: me all the time. He's like.

I've had enough of 

Denver: you, woman. He's 

Andrea: like, space is important. Um, 

Denver: alright, 

Andrea: I have another question for you. Okay. 

Denver: Okay, we can, what's better than one break too? Actually, 

Andrea: as a representative, Of the Native American culture here today, Denver, which Indian tribe taught the pilgrims how to cultivate the land and were invited to the first Thanksgiving?

Denver: I'm going to go with Apache. 

Andrea: No. Cherokee. It was Wampanoag. And I apologize if I said that incorrectly. 

Denver: Could not have guessed. 

Andrea: Yeah. All right. What, what like? Cherokee. Cherokee. Tribe. What is the tribe thing? I was, I was trying to think of the word and I was like, it's not. It's a tribe. 

Denver: Yeah, Cherokee, I'm Cherokee, so I was thinking it's not Cherokee, and that's obvious.

Yeah, because 

Andrea: Cherokee is a different part of the country, right? Yes. We're not, I'm definitely not going to be able to do the quiz on Native American knowledge. Oh, no. 

Denver: I'm, that's my goal for myself is, you know. In the, in the holiday spirit is, um, Ancestry. com. I want to learn about my heritage. So I'll do that and get back to it.

Andrea: And then you can give us a PowerPoint presentation on it. I'll do 

Denver: that. And then I'll give you a 

Andrea: quiz. Okay, great. Love it. Um, okay. Approximately, Oh, this is a modern day one. Okay. Approximately how many turkeys are eaten each year on Thanksgiving in the United States? 

Denver: That's going to go ahead and I'm going to have to be in the, in the millions.

Yeah. Maybe approximately, how many people live in the United States? At least three. For some reason, three 

Andrea: people? 

Denver: Yes, three people live 

Andrea: in the United States. Yeah, that's true. Maybe, 

Denver: let's go with two million. 

Andrea: I'm going to go way more because As soon as I said that, 

Denver: I regretted it. 

Andrea: 300 million people living in the U.

S.? Sure. Am I because Sure. I love how you affirm everything, regardless of U. S. population. Guys, these are fun facts for you. You just bring them out whenever you want. You can spew this at the dinner table. Um, uh, 345 million. Thank you so much for acknowledging how genius I am. 

Denver: You're the smartest person ever I've ever met.

Andrea: So let's go with 200 million. Turkeys. Turkeys. Over half of America. I'm going to say 90 million turkeys are eaten. What did you say for yours? 

Denver: I can't even remember. I'm so stressed out about the number. 

Andrea: Oh my gosh, 280 million, 280 million. So like almost everybody's out there eating a turkey per person.

That's insane behavior. What are we doing? Wait, what? No, think about that. That's like 330 million people. Okay, what? 

Denver: 330 million people? And there's 

Andrea: 280 million turkeys being eaten. That's like A lot of people eating one Is that on Thanksgiving Day? 

Denver: Because then there's like 

Andrea: That's what the question was. Oh.

Denver: I was thinking like Friendsgiving and then like a bigger Families, but like on Thanksgiving, everyone is getting their own damn bird. That's crazy. Guys, what are we doing? Is your guys stomach okay? They cannot be. That's insane. And isn't ham is like very popular for, I mean, we eat ham. I would think. Yeah. I, I I'm shooken.

I'm shocked. Let's go interview everyone and ask why. Like how 

Andrea: many turkeys? Are you eating, are you eating a whole turkey by 

Denver: yourself? Your seven year old's gonna down a whole turkey just by himself? Because 

Andrea: like a family of four, right, like I am gonna get like a nine pound turkey. This doesn't say how many pounds of turkey you're eating because that to me would make sense.


Denver: absurd. That's you and Steven eating one. A whole turkey. And then your children sharing one. That's insane. Yeah, that's 

Andrea: crazy. That's crazy to Americans. Guys, 

Denver: guys, 

Andrea: do better. Okay. Turkey. We're just so deeply disappointed. I know. Okay. Um, okay. 

Denver: No, I'm scared. We got it. 

Andrea: We got it. Which, which Southern state 

Denver: Oh God.

Pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause. If there's one thing I'm so bad at, it is geography. 

Andrea: That is the only class that I failed in college and majority of it was geography. Because what, okay, keep going. Okay. Which Southern state was the first to adopt a Thanksgiving day in 1855? Maybe just pick a state, you know, just a state that's southerly.


Denver: Southern state to adopt a Thanksgiving day. Let me really close my eyes and look at the map. I'm going to go with, see I don't want to say the state and then it's like not even in the sentence. Just say it. I'm going to go with Tennessee. 

Andrea: Okay. I'm going to go with Kentucky. That feels That 

Denver: feels right.

Andrea: They like chicken, right? Because of KFC and all of that. You're a genius. If you're right Okay. If that's not the answer, not even close. Virginia, which that is a hot take. So I lived in Virginia and that is a, a bit of contention there of whether or not Virginia is South or not because it traversed it.

Like the Mason Dixon line goes through Virginia and generally that is what, do you know what the Mason Dixon line is? Yes. Okay, what is it? 

Denver: I'm not going to explain it, but I, I've heard of it. The way I won't 

Andrea: give you a literal hint. No. Yeah. No. So. It's okay. It's 

a line. Civil war. North versus the south. Oh, civil war.


Denver: Yes. 

Andrea: Um, Virginia is like, the northern Virginia, it's, it's like medium level in the country. Okay. Like here's, here's the country. It's like, it's like half, halfway up. Okay, so like, I wouldn't consider it South. Not where I was thinking it. But they do have sweet tea in most areas of Virginia. without you having to ask for it.

Like, is that like a stamp of approval 

Denver: of South Southerners? Yes. Okay. 

Andrea: Yeah. Like that, the sweet tea line is kind of the true test of like, are you in the South or not? If you go to a store. Interesting. And you say, can I have sweet tea? And they say, no, but I have regular tea and sugar packets. You're not in the South.

Okay. Absolutely not in the South. You're also not in the South. If they're like, we have nest tea or whatever, like the, it has to be brewed there. 

Denver: Ooh. And. 

Andrea: And, like, that is, like, sweet tea. 

Denver: I haven't spent much time in the South. I've, yeah, no, I've been to Texas. That's it. I was going to keep naming, but that's apparently You're like, Texas, the Oh, no, I have been to Tennessee.

I've been to Nashville. Oh, okay. That's about it. 

Andrea: That counts, for sure. Yeah, okay, that's good. Um, okay, what utensil was not used by the Pilgrims? Thanksgiving dinner. A spoon? I feel like spoons are easier to make. I feel like spoons have existed longer. 

Denver: What other utensils are there besides a fork, a knife, and a spoon?

Andrea: I think that's it. I think we have three choices. Okay. I'm still going to get them freaking wrong. I think maybe forks. I feel like tines would be difficult, but I feel like forks have been around for a long time so I don't know. I'm going with spoon. I'm going to go with fork. Because they 

Denver: need a knife to cut the turkey.

Andrea: Yeah. Ah. Fork. Suck it. What? They didn't have forks. I'm so sorry. I wish They didn't have pitchforks. 

Denver: Wasn't 

Andrea: that them? Yeah, I don't Who's going to use a pitchfork on their Thanksgiving turkey, Denver? Why don't 

Denver: you just think, like, hmm, we have this super cool pitchfork, I have an idea, why don't we just shrink it down and make it mini so that we can enjoy our turkey?

I don't think Let me time travel and talk to these guys and be like, you guys, what is actually up? What are you thinking? Not a lot. Okay, but I 

Andrea: don't I don't think the problem was that forks didn't exist. They existed. They didn't have them. They were struggling. That's why they got free food. Remember? I was 

Denver: totally thinking they just didn't exist.

Andrea: Yeah, no, I think that forks have existed since like Rome and stuff in different variations. I seriously was 

Denver: interpreting that as like, they just didn't invent forks yet. And I was like, idiots. Because I would have obviously invented a fork by then. I would have thought of that. 

Andrea: Oh my gosh. Okay, this one. Oh no.

Oh no. It just said sign up to see the free remaining cards. Okay, actually, I, I have the question already in my brain though because I do actually know the answer for this one. Where is the best place to check the temperature of the turkey when you're cooking it? 

Denver: The anus.

Is that right? 

Andrea: Have you seen the anus isn't on the turkey when you're actually cooking it. Have you seen a turkey before it's been cooked? It doesn't still have a butthole, Denver. No? Spend my time looking at 

Denver: raw 

Andrea: meat like that. Checking for buttholes. No! Okay, let me think about it. You're like a child. You check a child's temperature

rectally. It's probably how you cook a turkey. Okay, 

Denver: okay, okay, okay, okay. You, you check the temperature, what are you doing? You're checking the temperature of what? You're checking 

Andrea: the temperature. To see if it's done? Oh my god. How are you alive? Yes. Okay. To see if it's done. In 

Denver: the thigh. 

Andrea: Yeah, kind of like you it's it's like deep between it's the look of fur on your face it's like the thickest part of the meat so you like stick it like between the breast and where's the 

Denver: anus where what 

Andrea: happened to it?

What happened to the butt? You know, 

until, until 

What happened to 

the butt? Until this moment, Denver, it has never occurred to me that we do pluck a turkey. What? What? We pluck it. There's no feathers on it. 

Denver: Right, right, right. 

Andrea: My gosh. We pluck it, but like, when you pluck it, I don't think that we, in fact, remove the rectum.

Right. Where is it? 

So what part of I think 

it's just the skin. I think we, I think we eat it. I feel like I need my producer to fact check me on that, but I'm pretty sure There's a really dirty joke I could make, but I'm not going 

Denver: to. 

Andrea: Were women of Are we? Repute. And respect. 

Denver: And class. 

Andrea: And class. That's why I said 

Denver: anus and not butthole.

Andrea: Well, I hope that everyone listening to this on Thanksgiving brings it up and talks about where did the butthole of the turkey go because these are the questions. 

Denver: You know where you don't check the temperature? And then continue the conversation. 

Andrea: Not in its butthole. Not there. Not in the anus. Thanks. And you're welcome.

Okay. Right. Ready? Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God. Okay. Producer Rob said the turkey's anus along with the other internal organs, but the anus is different. Is that different from the rectum? 

Denver: Don't ask me about anything about that. 

Andrea: It's like a door, like it's a door internal. 

Denver: It's a hole. 

Andrea: Okay. Um, what is a hole?

We're citing, we're citing our sources that it was chat GPT. So, um, along with other internal organs is typically removed during the cleaning process before cooking. When a turkey is prepared for sale or consumption, the bird is eviscerated, that is an unnecessary word, uh, which involves removing the intestines and internal organs, so you don't eat the anus when you cook a turkey, it is taken out along with the other non edible parts, but you do, Denver, have you ever, clearly, you have never cooked a turkey.

No, I 

Denver: haven't. 

Andrea: Based on this conversation. 

Denver: Never have I ever cooked a turkey. I wasn't judging you. No, I haven't. Okay, great. I'm, no. Okay. 

Andrea: I need you to promise me that before you cook your first turkey, you will put your whole fist into the cavity of that turkey, because they always For what purpose? 

Denver: Are you setting me up?

Andrea: No, I'm not. I swear to God. They have a baggie inside of the turkey that has all of the internal organs and the neck. And so you have to remove it. 

Denver: Why did they do that? 

Andrea: Because some people eat it or use it for like, excuse me, 

Denver: like a plastic bag. 

Andrea: It's, it's like a, like a cheese, 

Denver: zipped it up and shoved it in there.


Andrea: usually. Usually it's like a cheesecloth bag and you pull it out. Um, okay. So you remember in, uh, I'm scared. Have you, have you seen Christmas vacation with Teddy Chase? Of course I have. You remember when they cut open the turkey? Yes. And he goes, there's the neck. It was because she forgot to remove the neck and like the internal organs from the turkey.

Like she cooked it so poorly. Yeah. So some people use it to make like their gravy and stuff. So 

Denver: what if I don't want to do that? 

Andrea: I would suggest not doing it. You could cook it in there. No, I'm not 

Denver: shoving my hand. You could keep the turkey 

Andrea: butthole inside of the turkey. Maybe it 

Denver: would be tasty or I can have my, you know what, this is one of those times that I will be fine with being a homesteading trad wife and have my husband do it.

Andrea: Okay, homesteading tradwives are butchering their own turkeys. Shoot, that would have to do all of it. Yeah, they would be doing that. Yeah, you would not. I take it back. Okay, well, I'm just letting you know, you need to have a friend willing to put their I'll get the cheesecloth out. Yeah, you do it or assign it to a friend.

Denver: I have to do it once. 

Andrea: Yeah, and it's deeply horrifying, and by the time I have the turkey ready, I usually don't want to eat it anymore because it's, it's a lot, but, you know? You and that turkey got very close. Very close. Too close, one might say. But now I know it wasn't. With the butthole because we learned things today.

Denver: learned so much today. 

Andrea: I mean honestly you're welcome and if you didn't like listen to this on Thanksgiving, you can bring it up at Christmas. It's not too late. A lot of people do turkey. 

Denver: A hundred percent. It can be your like, uh, maybe you are cooking currently the meal of some holiday party and this is on the background because it brings you so much peace and joy.

You can learn things too like we did. 

Andrea: Right. Exactly. Okay. Um, we're going to move on to the advice section because I, uh, before you came on last time, I asked people, um, what questions they would want to know. We got a couple of gross ones. Um, oh, we caught one when someone asked when, You and I had planning period together.

Did we kiss sometimes? And I was like, 

Denver: what is up with that? 

Andrea: Listen, Kyle. Yeah. I don't know. You 

Denver: know what, Jack? Go. 

Andrea: Leave. Exit. Just leave. The worst. The answer is no, by the way. No. 

Just to clarify. We're not like skirting the question. We're like, anyways. We're like, that's a crazy question. That's 

so weird.

Sick. But one thing somebody asked was What my A. I. M. name was, and I have a question for you. Do you know what an A. I. M. name is? 

Denver: Is this an acronym? 

Andrea: Yes. 

Denver: Okay. My, I was going to try and say something funny. You said A. I. M. and I just thought of Ask. fm. That's something very different. 

Andrea: Yeah. What is A. I. M.? AOL instant messenger, 

Denver: do you know 

Andrea: what that is?

Yes, I do. I 

Denver: do know what that is. Okay, great. Okay, great. Okay, so you're like, your chat name? 

Andrea: Yeah, like my chat name that I had for my friends and all that kind of stuff. 

Denver: It's giving my 

Andrea: space. A hundred percent. I had my space. 

Denver: Okay, I'm following. Yeah. 

Andrea: So somebody asked what my name was for that because in my book that I'm working on, I talked about my AIM screen name and my editor said I need to define what AIM is.

And AIM screen name is because it is likely much of my audience would not know what that is. And you just confirmed that. Yeah. 

Denver: Unfortunately, you're going to have to clarify that. That hurts my feelings. I'm so sorry. Probably 

Andrea: the feelings of a lot of other people on a special Thanksgiving day. 

Denver: Well, you know what?

I'm thankful that I get to learn so much and I'm thankful for my youth. 

Andrea: I bet you are. It will go away. So, yeah, no, it was. Literally, okay, EH, underscore, average. Because I had such a, like, eh, average, because I had such a deeply poor self esteem that I was like the best compliment I could have would be that.

Before that it was POD underscore chick, but not CK chick. It was like, CHIK. Because you're different. I was different. But people didn't know that POD was the band and so they just thought I was like, it's a band. I'll send you some music later. Please do. It's good. Um, and I was POD chick, but people didn't know what that was necessarily.

So they thought I was just trying to be like a pod chick and they're like, what is a pod? So it's been a journey. I still hear something. You're so brave. 

Denver: Okay. 

Andrea: I also don't even like my current name, Educator Andrea. I think it's too many syllables. 

Denver: Why? What would you change it to? 

Andrea: I don't, that's the thing, is like Andrea is too much already for people.

Educator Andrea. That's so much. But people know you 

Denver: as Educator Andrea, so that's cute. Which is why 

Andrea: I'm there forever. You're branded there. Yeah, but I actually don't. I get a little embarrassed when people are like Are you educator Andrea? And I'm like, 

Denver: yep. You're like, actually on my government documents, it just says Andrea.

Andrea: Yeah. I need to, I need to be like Prince and just like rebrand myself and be like, actually I'm Prince. 

Denver: Actually I am Cher. That's what 

Andrea: I'm going to do when I'm 

Denver: famous. I'm just going to go by Denver. 

Andrea: Good. Oh, actually, that's perfect because there's not really another. 

Denver: There's like John Denver, but who even is that?

The Denver Choppers. I think that's like a biker gang. 

Andrea: In the city. 

Denver: In the city. 

Andrea: Yeah. 

Denver: Yeah, you're safe. 

Andrea: I'm 

Denver: safe. You can do that. I don't think there's another one. I'll just steal your 

Andrea: name and be like, I'm Denver. Yeah, and then I'll 

Denver: say, get her. She's an imposter. 

Andrea: That would be a real, a real issue. That would 

Denver: be an issue.

Andrea: What are your students? I'm curious to know 

Denver: other, sorry. I'm curious to know these other questions that people have asked us, but we can chat about 

Andrea: that. screenshots. Most of them are gross. I'm going to be honest. Most of them are gross. 

Denver: Hey sickos out there, just stop. 

Andrea: Just stop it. Or are like obnoxious, just being annoying.

Like somebody literally just responded, Skippity. Skippity. Skippity. And I'm like, listen, I don't deserve that. There is nothing. 

Denver: We're not even going to get into Skippity. I can't even talk about it. I can't. I personally will not talk about it. 

Andrea: Um, did you have any crazy things your students have done? 

Denver: I was thinking about this the other day, and I don't know what it is, if they like, respect me more, but like, there's no craziness happening like I've had last year, which is kind of, it's great because I'm like, okay, it helps, I was literally thinking about this yesterday, it helps classroom management of knowing work and play, and just, they're very here for I'm going to get my stuff done.

Yeah. But it's also like, mhm. 

Andrea: Are you a little bored? I'm a 

Denver: little bored. Like I want you guys to be a little crazy. 

Andrea: Yeah. I know. That's how I feel with college is they're all like really self motivated and really excited to learn. And I'm like, that's, that's what I'm doing. 

Denver: Awesome. So cool. And I love it.

But what if we just had a silly time? 

Andrea: But what if we were just a little silly? Because we're all focusing real hard right now. 

Denver: You know what it is? Tell me. I'm the silliest person in the room. 

Andrea: Yeah. Yes. And 

Denver: I, I, there's stakes I don't want to be. Because last year I had, and the year before that, the silliest of geese in my classrooms.

And I, like, my first year, I don't, it's not even worth telling the story because you know how it's so funny that you just had to be there and it's not funny when you tell the story. I mean, something happened that was so funny. That I cried, I was crying, like, in class. It was hilarious. And I just, I am that for them.

And I love being that. But, 

Andrea: also, like, come on. Yeah. So one of, uh, the students who actually was that kid for me, um, I'll say his first name, Isaiah. Uh huh. I do know 

Denver: Isaiah. 

Andrea: Adore him. Adorable. Much of the content that has done extremely well on social media came out of that child's mouth. 100%. Um, so much so that I actually Venmoed him some money one time when one of my videos was like, did really well.

That is amazing. And I was like, don't do anything illegal with it. This is like, guys, he's graduated, he's an adult. He's grown. He's now in college. Yeah. All of that. Um, and he messages me and updates me on things in his life. Um, I love this child so much and child young man so much. He, but he messages me on Instagram and I will check in on him.

So like this last week I was like, Hey, have you gotten your classes? Oh my gosh. That's like, have you met like with your, with your people and all that stuff? And he, and he messaged me and he's like, Hey, if I work really hard with my basketball, cause he's basketball player. Um, he's like, can you show my clips to the ISU basketball coach?

And I was like, a thousand percent. Yes, because I would love nothing more than to see him play for ISU. That would be incredible. 

Denver: The best full circle moment ever. 

Andrea: Yeah, so I, I don't have like a super silly, what are those kids doing other than I'm just so proud of him because he is navigating college by himself and he went to the guidance counselor and he got the classes he needed and he's all set.

That's so 

Denver: great. Oh my God. That makes me like so incredibly happy for him. 

Andrea: I know. I'm so proud. So yeah, so that's what some of my former kids are doing. Um, I actually, I 

Denver: love that. The, on the route of like good, not like crazy things there was, we were, um, I just thought of something. We were going to the AV room to check out new books.

Um, my sophomore is reading, um, nonfiction memoirs and they, we had just finished a class novel together that we started just kind of. The buffer time, it wasn't necessarily for the whole unit and I read the whole book to them. Um, it was a book in verse and we were standing in line and a couple of the girls that were standing there had already gotten their books.

And I was like, Oh, that's a really good, you guys are going to love your books, whatever. And they were like, Yeah, every time I read now, I just hear in your voice, you're really good at reading to us. It like makes it that much more enjoyable. And I was like, like, they said that to me. 


another girl was like, yeah, same.

Now every time I try and read, like, I think, how would Miss B read this? I'm going to read it like her. I'm like, yeah, yeah. 

Andrea: And don't you feel so, like, I remember you saying you actually feel self conscious when you're reading aloud, right? Oh, yeah, 

Denver: that's like one of my biggest insecurities is reading out loud, and in the book that we were reading as a class, it's full of sarcasm, like the author is very sarcastic, dark humor dealing with like the sensitive topics, and, but it just made me feel so great that they said that, that I was like.

Oh my god, that's so, like, incredible to hear. That's the best. Yeah. I love it. Yay. Aw, see, 

Andrea: we're leaving on such, what a ride today has been. What? 

Denver: A ride. And you know what? I loved every second of it. As always. 

Andrea: Me too. It was great. Um, all right. Uh, before I let you go, you want to shout out your socials so people can find you and be obsessed with you.

Denver: Come be obsessed with me. I'm obsessed with me. It's keepingupwithmiss. b underscore on. Tick tock. 

Andrea: You say it like I'm gonna remember which one is 

Denver: which. It's Keeping Up With Miss. B. Yeah. And I'm the only one, so go find me. 

Andrea: Yeah. Tick tock 

Denver: on Instagram. I'm there. Just go find her. Living a crazy girl life. 20 something life.

It's getting crazy. 

Andrea: Everything's fine. Everything's under control. 

Denver: I'm literally fine. All 

Andrea: right. Um, uh, I hope if you are listening on Thanksgiving, you enjoy your Non rectal. 

Denver: Your anus free turkey. Oh, 

Andrea: that was so perfect. Alright, Denver, thank you for being here. Thank you for having 

Denver: me. Like I always say, it's the heartlet of my week and I love you and chatting with you.

Andrea: All right. Love you too. I'm like, it's nice. Thanks. You're like, yeah, I know. All right, guys. We will be right back.

Welcome back to those who can't do. Um, I hope that you, uh, really wrote down some of the important facts that we went over today. I think it's important for us to be lifelong learners as teachers and educators. Um, I really feel like I learned a lot about turkeys. My husband and Thanksgiving and was once again reminded of why my husband has a lot of exasperated, uh, exasperated sighing around me when I try and guess stuff about history.

I don't, I feel like I do fairly well about specific things, only if I have taught a novel related to whatever it is. Like, I can tell you about the era of the Scarlet Letter, and I could tell you about the era of some of Shakespeare's plays and all that, but like, if I didn't teach it, it's very unlikely I'm going to know the timeline there.

So, you know, we all have our special strengths, and English is generally one of mine, and teaching is one of mine, but. Unfortunately, uh, a little bit less with geography and social studies. Um, so if you have thoughts, I'm afraid to even say it, but if you have thoughts about what we talked about today, or you have a suggestion of who you would like to have come on the podcast, you can email us at Andrea at human content.

com, or you can get to me on Instagram and TikTok at educator Andrea. Or you can kick it with the entire Human Content Podcast family on Instagram and TikTok at humancontentpods. And we have a new review this week. I'm so excited. This Made My Day by Mike Haddon. H A D D O N. Um, the title says it's fun even for a non teacher.

It's just like I imagined listening to, listening in. To the teachers lounge when I was in school about what a devil or angel I was depending on the teacher. Great laughs. Teachers are humans too and funny humans at that. Thank you so much. I love that. I kind of feel like that is the vibe I'm hoping that the podcast gives.

Like sometimes it's a little bit more serious, sometimes a little bit more silly. Um, but really it's It's to kind of emphasize that we teachers are humans, um, and to kind of advocate for just more laughter in our days as educators. If you want to check out the full video episodes, they are up every week on YouTube at Educator Andrea.

So that way you can see. The Jersey Shore outfit that Denver was wearing today. Um, it's, it's, it's a doozy. I will give you that. Um, thank you so much for listening. I'm your host, Andrea Forkham. A very special thank you to our guest co host today, Denver Riley. Our executive producers are Andrea Forkham, Aron Korney, Rob Goldman, and Shahnti Brooke.

Our editor is Andrew Sims. Our engineer is Jason Portizo. Our music is by Omer Ben Zvi. Our record, recording location is the Indiana State Bi College of Education. To learn more about are those who can't do program disclaimer and ethics policy and submission verification and licensing terms. You can go to podcaster andrea.com.

Those who can't do as a human content production.

Thank you so much for watching. If you're like me and you're thinking, gosh, I really need more of those who can't do in my. You can start your binging right now by clicking on that playlist button right over there. New episodes are out every Thursday, so please subscribe and join us each week on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts.